Saturday, November 12, 2016

Popular Culture: Flannel Fixings

Let's Talk Pop
Popular culture is said to be the study of one particular component of culture. I see popular culture as the popular, or, well known/ overall agreeance, of ideals, fads, beliefs, customs, attitudes, and tastes that could potentially define the people within a society by others that are either a part of that culture, or, by other cultures that do not share any links, ties, or bonds within that group, but are able to define the group based on the ideals at hand.
Business Savvy
There is a need for a direct understanding of popular culture within a business environment and relevance toward my educational goals and career because popular culture is something that basically runs society. W
ithin the business environment, societal groups, organizations, businesses, individuals, etc., use popular culture to determine what needs to be produced, what they will purchase, what attitudes, values, norms, and beliefs will be exuded into mainstream. These trending beliefs, arts, customs, traditions, and attitudes will predetermine the future and surrounding areas towards the next craze and what exactly people will be choosing to satisfy within themselves to fit into the "norms" of society.
Who's idea was it?
Within my present environment, I am able to point out several forms of popular culture around me. There are various things being advertised on television, things we see or witness as a passersby, things we see in our daily ventures, to the computers, phones and tablets we use for recreational and business purposes. 

For example, we can take the cell phone and talk about the applications we are able to download onto them.  Advertisements are being thrown at us on television for apps to purchase in the app-store, along with advertisements that frequently pop up as we are browsing the web. We can also look more into detail by diving into  a particular type of app on the phone, Instagram. People follow and like pictures, videos, and advertisements that others are posting on a daily basis. It is used as a sort of hub for people to advertise, to be in the know, to communicate, and to stay on top of what's trending. It's almost certain that people will follow trends, and fads if it is someone they look up to or idolize is suggesting to do so. Also, friends and family can become a large part f what influences us to do the things we do. People want to fit in along with wanting to fulfil the need for belonging within society. Majority of people want to belong and crave to fill the void with friends, groups, or surrounding peers. Even though there are those that do not wish to interact, talk with, or hang around others, which we may say are introverts, these people will ultimately find themselves having something in common with someone else, or holding values, norms, or beliefs that others as well hold true and in the end they may choose to lean towards the things that they have in common with others and follow trends that they have now found to have in common. For example, music selection, style, and foods. I am not saying that all people will follow fads, trends, or bold statements, but for the majority of people residing on the planet, we just want to belong. The taste of cultures is what drives popular culture and the need to fulfill, within one's own self, the satisfaction of knowing that one will fit in amongst the community, or, society that one is socially, emotionally, and physically a part of.
Future Goals
Within my future career, it will not only be a necessity, but vital for me to have a better educational understanding of popular culture and how it affects people as beings. What we are influenced by, what we hold true, values, beliefs, and norms will all be considered when taking into account the needs of school aged students. Becoming a school Psychologist will allow me to help others, but only after I take into account the ways that students are being influenced. I will be working one on one with students to support them in their own personal capabilities and abilities to learn. I will also help teachers within my district to build upon materials and ideas to best help students reach their full potential within the schooling system. It is essential that I fully understand the students. This includes taking into account what they are influenced by and what exactly is causing them to think, act, and behave the way they do. I will need the ability to think about and reach upon the conclusions that they deem reasonable and effective within their own personal beings. I will be applying tests and relating that information as to why the student may behave, think, or act, or choose to not particulate in particular activities, groups, behaviors, and attitudes towards others or even themselves. The overall goal of my career will be to see students succeed socially, behaviorally, academically, and emotionally and in order to do so, I will be a better understanding of popular culture and how the influences of society can and may possibly already be affecting the way students think, act, and believe things to be.
Popular by Demand
I would consider clothing as an example of a pop culture artifact. I chose a flannel t-shirt because I tend to see a lot of people wear this particular type of shirt. It is now fall and in the fall people tend to dress warmer. It seems as though a lot of people tend to choose flannel shirts when fall comes around.  To me it has become more of a fashion statement than a way to keep warm on cooler days. On the business side of things, companies seem to be producing more of these types of shirts in order to keep up with demand for the specific shirt. With more shirts being produced, it allows elite, popular, and folk cultures to partake in the trend. More production allows for cheaper prices, which allows for more people to afford clothing that may be more costly originally. Almost every store has a variety of plaid flannel shirts to choose from in a variety of colors. On the personal side of things, we can see this becoming a fashion trend and people wanting to wear this shirt as a form of fitting into popular fashion styles then as a use for warmth. 


  1. Jodi,
    I love a good flannel! Great pick as an element of pop culture. Clothing represents so many trends and styles. Interesting how many styles come back or recycle themselves. I am looking forward to following your blog and seeing the updates. - Best, Carla C.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Jodi,

    I love your blog! You did an excellent job explaining popular culture. I too view clothing as an important piece of our culture. Fashion is a large business and it certainly influences how we view ourselves and others as humans. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Very nice blog. With the cold weather coming everyone is going to want some flannel. I am glad I looked at your blog before I created mine it really helped me.

  5. Great choice for a pop culture artifact. Flannel has certainly stood the test of time and has transformed over the years. It was once only associated with lumberjacks but is also now used as a fashion statement.
    C. Kimbrough

  6. I see I am not the first one who commented on the great choice of the artifact, but I still want to say that I really like this artefact. It is definitely part of pop culture, yet it is so simple and universal.
